中文版 English
· Catalyst Bed Support Media
· Catalyst Protective Medium
· Catalyst Protectant
· Desiccant
· Structured Packing
· Random Tower Packing
· Tower Internals and Trays
· Heat Transfer Media



Bed limiters
MBL31 - Bed limiter for random packing
Product description:
This bed limiter is normally recommended for metal and plastic random packing. Theopenings sizes can be varied to suit various packing sizes and the beams can de designed tosupport man-load.The MBL31 bed limiter consists of a frame backed with a screen of expanded
metal. The materials used are carbon steel, stainless steels and thermoplastics. Please note thatplates made of carbon steel are normally backed with screens made of stainless steel. Versionsmade of special metals are also available.
MHG32 - Hold down plate
Product description:
The Hold Down plate is normally used for towers using structured packing. for largediameter columns, sections of packing may be dislodged during upset conditions. Hold Downgrids for structured packing are designed to reduce interference with liquid distribution.For smaller columns, the distributor is provided with an integral retention plate, thereby eliminatingneed for separate Hold down Grid.