Product>>Engineering Design

The power and efficiency of mass transfer and heat exchange columns primarily relies on the right construction and selection of the column internals.Our company has many years of experience in designing and manufacturing of tower internals,according to the latest developments, finding an efficient and economic solution for your application.

Design & Drafting设计&制图
You can rely on us for any guidance on design related problems. Availability of design software enables us to take up design and drafting service for all mass transfer equipment. We have experience in designing and drafting various types of packed column internals and trays.

Installation 安装
We also provide installation services for column packing, trays and internals. Our service is not limited to equipment designed and supplied by us. Our experienced team is helpful in reducing down time during installation.

E-PIKE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD can help the customers find the trouble of packed tower and provide effective solutions. When you require any support of your application, please contact our engineers or send us a completed engineering data sheet.
